COVID-19 Vaccine Equity Clinics
The Partnership supported various vaccine clinics, specifically those On Havana Street and within the Korea community through a local Korean church. They are a model for future equity clinics to serve the Aurora community.
Korean-focused equity clinics - Co-Chair Peter Lee organized the first vaccination clinic with the Korean Disciple Mission Church of Denver on March 17th, and 205 people received their first doses. The second-dose clinic was held April 14th at the same location. The vaccines were provided by the State of Colorado, and CAHEP administered the vaccine with volunteers from the church and the Colorado Korean Nurses Association. There were many Asian seniors who were over 65, and lunch was provided. Thank you to CAHEP, the nurses, the church, and volunteers and to The Colorado Health Foundation for help with funding to make this first clinic a model for future clinics. The Partnership covered various costs; i.e., volunteer lunches, gift certificates to volunteer nurses, donations to providers, stipends to the schedulers and more.
On Havana Street equity vaccine clinics – Co-Chair Chance Horiuchi organized equity-focused vaccine clinics through the Havana Business Improvement District with translators fluent in 20 different languages to aid recipients. The clinics were held at the Stampede in Aurora on March 27th (second shot on May 1st). Pre-registrations for over 400 vaccines were filled within 28 hours. The vaccines were administered by two small community clinics, Colorado Primary Care Clinic and Colorado Alliance for Health Equity and Practice (CAHEP), with volunteers from the Philippine Nurses Association of Colorado. The Havana B.I.D. secured several sponsors for the event, including the Partnership, with nearly 65 volunteers dedicating their time for the all-day events to help with translation, set up and tear down, traffic control, safety and sanitation, technology needs, business and organization leaders, medical professionals and more. The Partnership covered various costs; i.e., rentals, volunteer lunches, donations to providers, a contribution toward venue costs, and more.